Nea Philadelfia, 15, Pindou str.
Floors: 3 (grnd flr + 1st + 2nd ) + basement
Land area: 525 m²
Total stores area: 735 m²
Architecturals: Fotini Kakridoni
Statics: Spyros Kakridonis
Electromechanicals: Efstathopoulos Panagiotis
Kakridonis Spyros
Kakridoni Fotini
2003 – 2005
As a costruction company, when get assigned to design and costruct a traditional building, you only feel greatful that you had that chance to do so.
This traditional residential building constructed along the area’s traditional architectural standards.
This particular structural type stresses interior space functionality, since the presidential decree’s city planning restrictions that govern it, present a number of building challenges.
Still, all traditional houses that we have implemented in the area proved exceptionally functional.
Selecting the right materials for distinctive buildings such as this, is a challenging part of the study.
Due to the traditional character of these detached houses, designing and constructing, the surroundings became yet another key chapter in the implementation of similar projects.
It should also be noted that, although construction of traditional Nea Filadelfia detached houses was initially a challenging and trying task for our company, it eventually paid off: today, projects involving traditional detached housing, are one of the reasons that make us personally proud and professionally better.